Charles James LONGMAN 1852 - 1934
Born 27th May 1852, Paddington
Died 17th April 1934, London
Married Harriet Ann EVANS 1857 - 1938
1) Mary LONGMAN, 29 April 1881 -
2) William LONGMAN, 14 Nov. 1882 - 1 March 1967
3) Sibyl LONGMAN, 25 April 1885 - 27 August 1964
4) Frederick LONGMAN, 9 May 1890 - 18 October 1914
Charles James LONGMAN was the grandson of Thomas Longman of Paternoster Row, the well-known book publishers. The Dickinsons and Evans families had a long friendship and association with the Longmans. Paper production and books being natural partners.
The family spent their time shared between Nash Mills at Apsley, and London.
Charles edited and produced the Longman’s Magazine, a literary magazine published in London, focussing on fiction. The first magazine was published in November 1882. A total of 276 monthly issues had been published when the last number came out in October 1905.
He also wrote and published a book on Archery.
Charles James Longman is in the middle of the front row seated
Joan Evans and other members of the family who wrote books, invariably used Longmans as their publishers.