Elizabeth GOLDNEY 1833 - 1911
Elizabeth Goldney as Mayoress of Canterbury when her son Frank was Mayor.
Born 24th February 1833
Died 1911
Married Sebastian EVANS 6 April 1858, at Lambeth,
Their children were:
1. Sebastian EVANS 20 Jan 1859 - 10 Aug 1935 at Cradley, near Malvern.
2. Frank EVANS 9 Aug 1862 - 1918
In 1892, Frank took the name of his grandfather and of his uncle, Francis Bennett Goldney. He was M.P. for Canterbury and died as a result of a
motor accident in France in 1918. He is well documented.
Elizabeth was the youngest daughter of Francis Bennett-Goldney, one of the founders of the London Joint Stock Bank