Peter Abraham DE BRISSAC 1731 - 1768
Fourth child and eldest son of Amos James de BRISSAC 1701-1758 and Judith PIGIER 1707-1788
Born 1731, London
Died 1768, Hackney, London
Married Jane (née LOY) NASH 1731-1809 (Jane LOY had two sons by a previous marriage to John NASH)
Jane and Peter had five children.
1) Jeanne/Jane de BRISSAC 1754 - 1821 m. Jean Fredrick BERNARD 1757-1853 (5 children)
2) Elizabeth de BRISSAC 1756 - 1828 m. John Linton WARE 1756-1804 (3 children)
3) Amos James de BRISSAC 1758 - 1758
4) Frances de BRISSAC 1759 - 1759
5) Frances de BRISSAC 1760 - 1854 m. Thomas DICKINSON (Capt. RN) 1754-1828
From the registers (Vol.4) of The French Church, Threadneedle Street, London.
(Huguenot Society of London Publications Vol. 23)
L’Eglise de Londres.
The registers are in French, the translation is ours.
de Brissac Janv. 6. Jeanne
de Brissac Jan. 6. Jeanne
ff. de Pierre Abraham de Brissac et Jeanne Loy
daughter of Peter Abraham de Brissac and Jeanne Loy
P. Sebastien Loy M. Judith de Brissac.
Godfather - Sebastien Loy. Godmother - Judith de Brissac.
Née 19 Dec. 1754
Born 19 Dec. 1754
de Brissac Avril 30. Elizabeth
de Brissac April 30. Elizabeth
ff. de Pierre Abraham de Brissac et Jeanne Loy
daughter of Peter Abraham de Brissac and Jeanne Loy
P. Etienne Paris. M. Marie Elizabeth Froisseau.
Godfather - Etienne Paris. Godmother - Marie Elizabeth Froisseau
Née 2 Avril
Born 2 April
de Brissac Mars 14. Amos Jacques
de Brissac March 14. Amos Jacques
f. de Pierre Abraham de Brissac et Jeanne Loy
son of Peter Abraham de Brissac and Jeanne Loy
P. Thomas Elderton. M. Marie de Brissac
Godfather - Thomas Elderton. Godmother - Marie de Brissac
Né 23 Fév.
Born 23 February
de Brissac Mai 1. Françoise
de Brissac May 1. Frances
ff. de Pierre Abraham de Brissac et Jeanne Loy
daughter of Peter Abraham de Brissac and Jeanne Loy
P. Jacob Jamet. M. Françoise Loy.
Godfather - Jacob Jamet. Godmother - Françoise Loy
Née 21 Avril
Born 21 April
(died in early infancy JFH)
(died in early infancy JFH)
de Brissac Oct 7. Françoise
de Brissac Oct 7. Frances
ff. de Pierre Abraham de Brissac et Jeanne Loy
daughter of Peter Abraham de Brissac and Jeanne Loy
P. Guillaume Chapman. M. Françoise Loy.
Godfather - Guillaume Chapman. Godmother - Françoise Loy.
Née 22 Sept.
Born 22 Sept.
Peter / Pierre
Peter was baptised as Pierre, but French and English names were fairly interchangeable at that time depending on the situation. In some instances the surname is de Brissac, others plain Brissac.
The French Church, Threadneedle Street
The French Church, Threadneedle Street.
L’Eglise de Londres.
Founded in 1550, this Calvinist church was situated at Threadneedle Street until the 19th Century. Not considering itself a Huguenot refugee church in origin (1) it held itself aloof from the other French congregations, both conformist and non-conformist, in the capital. During the 18/19th centuries it came to incorporate the remnants of these other congregations and its lineal descendant is currently in Soho Square, the only survivor of the many churches listed here. (2)
Its registers exist and make it clear that the Threadneedle Street congregation stood head and shoulders above all others by virtue of its size as well as its antiquity.
(1) cf. Schickler (A) pp.105-6
(2) for its 19th cent location and present building, see LCC XXXIII (1966) p.62-3
From 1706 to 1710 there were 1,103 baptisms and 6,303 in the congregation (Robin Gwynn)
(From Proceedings, Huguenot Society of London Vol.XXII. no 6) Old French Church; Walloon Church of London, Threadneedle Street.
Peter Abraham had an intensive apprenticeship starting at the age of fourteen lasting for seven years. As the document say his was an ‘Art’ to be learnt rather than Trade. The skills of engineering (as in the building and setting up of looms), artistic design (brocades of the time were of complex design) and the management of workers was all to be learned during those seven years. At the end of the apprenticeship, he would become a Master Silk Weaver supplying the most famous in Europe with wonderful silk material.
This indenture witnesseth, That Peter Abraham Brissac, Son of Amoth (Amos) James Brissac late of Saint Martins in the Fields Gentleman deceased
(this last word looks to have been added later)
doth put himself Apprentice to John Van Sommers Citizen and Merchant-Taylor of London, to learn his Art, and with him (after the Manner of an Apprentice) to serve from the Date hereof unto the full End and Term of Seven Years, from thence next following, to be fully compleat and ended. During which Term, the said Apprentice his said Master faithfully shall serve, his Secrets keep, his lawful Commandments every where gladly do. He shall do no Damage to his said Master, nor see to be done of others; but that he, to his Power, shall let, or forthwith give Warning to his said Master of the same. He shall not waste the Goods of his Master, nor lend them unlawfully to any.
He shall not commit Fornication, nor contract Matrimony within the said Term. He shall not play at Cards, Dice, Tables, or any other unlawful Games, whereby his said Master may have any Loss. With his own Goods, or others, during the said Term, without Licence of his said Master, he shall neither buy nor sell. He shall not haunt Taverns or Play houses, nor absent himself from his said Master's Service Day or Night unlawfully; But in all things as a faithful Apprentice, he shall behave himself towards his said Master, and all his, during the said Term.
And the said Master his said Apprentice in the same Art which he useth, by the best Means that he can, shall teach and instruct, or cause to be taught and instructed, finding unto his said Apprentice, Meat, Drink, Apparel, Lodging and all other Necessaries, according to the Custom of the City of London, during the said Term.
And for the due performance of all and every the said Covenants and Agreements, either of the said Parties bind themselves unto the other by these Presents.
In Witness whereof the Parties above-named to these Indentures, interchangeably have put their Hands and Seals, the third Day of July and in the Eighteenth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Second, King of Great Britain, and so forth, and in the Year of our Lord, 1745
Witness Geo North
Peter Abraham Brissac
A Gentleman’s silk waistcoat of the time.
A Van Sommers receipt dated 1777
Master Weavers
Master weavers were wealthy, talented businesspeople who attracted clients, employed the pattern designers and journeyman weavers to produce the garment required. They lived in fine houses in Fournier Street and grew exceedingly wealthy.
Judith was fortunate to take a trip to Spitalfields in 2013 for The Huguenots of Spitalfields festival. Her writeup is here
Peter qualified as a Master Weaver and finally proposed to Jane NASH. However, he had legal hoop to get through - that of gaining permission to marry. This was because the Liberty of Norton Folgate was a ‘peculiar’ or ‘extra parochial.’ See Liberty of Norton Folgate
9th April 1754
Appeared personally Peter Abraham De Brissac and made Oath that he is of the Parish of Liberty of Norton Folgate which is Extra parochial in Mddx. (Middlesex) and Diocese of London, aged above Twenty Three Years and a Bachelor
And that he intendeth to marry Jane Nash of the same place and Diocese aforesaid, Widow
And that he knoweth of no lawfull (sic) Impediment by reason of any previous act entered into before this twenty fifth day of March last past, Consanguinity, Affinity or any other lawfull means whatsoever to hinder the said intended marriage
And prayed a Licence to solemnize this same in the parish Church of St Leonard Shoreditch, adjoining to the said Liberty
and further he made Oath that the usual place of abode of him and her hath been in the said Parish of Liberty for the space of four weeks last past.
Peter Abraham De Brissac
Sworn before me
Ed: Temp---
Provost Thos Adderley N.P.
The legal year which began on 25 March 1751 became a short year of 282 days, running from 25 March 1751 to 31 December 1751. The following year began as 1 January 1752 (New Style)
Peter's Claim
Peter Abraham de Brissac's claim (notes by Harriet Ann Dickinson 1826 -1858)
Peter Abraham de Brissac claimed legitimate descent from the ancient family of the Comtes de Cossé, and Ducs de Brissac; indeed it is said that his was the older branch of the family and that the title was lost by his ancestor having left France as a refugee in 1685. The descendants are now unable to establish this by proof, as many important papers have been lost, and the registers of his father’s birth and marriage are not to be found.
I have heard old Mrs. Dickinson of Bramblebury (Frances née de Brissac) say that as a child she heard it always affirmed that her father ought to be Duc de Brissac. She also said that when she was such a little girl as to stand on a footstool at the table in order to see the family tree, she was shown it in her grandfather’s house, where it was carefully preserved. This tree has however since been burnt, and nothing but tradition remains to point out the claim of the refugee branch of the family to the ancient and honourable title of Duc de Brissac.