William VIZARD 1808 - 1876
Second son of John VIZARD 1772 – 1814 and Anna Maria WEIGHT 1783 – 1830
Born 26th October 1808, Dursley, Gloucestershire
Died 17th January 1876,Epsom, Surrey
Married Maria Budden JEFFRIES 1811 - 1892
William and Maria had thirteen children.
Continuing the family ‘trade’ of lawyer, William had his own business of Vizard & Son, solicitors, Monmouth.
Great-Uncle William
The middle of the three brothers lived (I think) at Ancre Hill, a large mansion near Monmouth.
I know hardly anything of his family though I understand he had about ten children.
On a visit to Monmouth of recent years I saw the name Vizard on a Solicitor’s plate and should like to have called in to see if we could establish relationship, but time forbad.
Frances Ann Roper (née Hubbard) 1975