Report of the REVD.

Missionary at Nazareth, Tinnevelly

Full Postal Address, S.P.G., Nazareth, S.I.R., S. India

31st March 1941

[N,G.H. comments...
George refers to “attached photographs”. I assume they were forwarded to the Mission Field editorial department. Oxford Bodleian have Mission Field on microfilm that are inclusive up to 1941.
“Home” received this report on 28 July 1941.
I intend to find copies of Mission Field with these photographs.]


  The 'new order' is being maintained and all the good things started a year ago are flourishing. Prospects for 1941/42 are encouraging. Admissions to the school are above average and I anticipate a strength of 107 or 108 when we reopen in June. A year ago, we were down to 86.
  The school has been extremely busy during the last six months and many of the senior boys were at work all through the Christmas holidays. Many of the boys are also staying on through the hot weather break to finish up work which it was not possible to get finished during the term. We have built the nave and sanctuary of the theological college chapel at Tirumaralyur (see photographs attached) and have completed the Chaplain's house at Madura. Both buildings have afforded excellent practice to my boys. I enclose a copy of our printed Annual Report which gives much up-to-date information about the school which it is unnecessary for me to repeat here.


  There is a great deal in the school which is a cause of happiness and thanksgiving to me. On the other side of the picture there is much which is better left unsaid and unwritten. I do not like the life out here (not that personal likes or dislikes ought to count if one has had a Call to a particular piece of work), I find it extremely trying not being able to speak the language and, War or no War, all too often I find myself longing for a return the Home Church. As things have turned out I am inclined to think that my Call to the Art Industrial School was essentially to bridge the gap between the Randle era and the time when the school will have to be under Indian management. One tour of five years will be all that will be necessary to effect this transition.


(All have numbers in pencil on the back.)
(1) and (2). A.I.S. Chapel. New work includes door, window and gable-cross and all the fittings in the sanctuary.
(3). My bungalow with Nazareth's extraordinary church tower behind.
(4). The smaller S.P.G. bungalow and the historical banyan tree.
(5), (6) and (7). Oyangudi Church.
(8). The Warden’s house at Tirumaraiyur.
(9), (10) and (11). Sundry views of Tirumaraiyur Chapel.
(12). The author - wearing the cross presented to me by the Oyangudi congregation.
Nazareth, Tinnevelly, S. India.
18th April 1941
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